
Sorry, You are too late. This gig happened 2 months ago


The Bogards + Susan + Cutting Corners + Razor Fly


Dublin Castle

94 Parkway NW1 7AN London

Gig Description

The Bogards –  from the ashes of Playdead, and recently signed to Regent Street Recs, here’s the Bogards in the DC. Somewhere you may have seen singer and bassist Finn before!  The Bogards are an alternative rock trio from London. “Our music and performances are described as heavy-hearted romantic cynicism played to its bursting point over thunderous dynamic riffs with clever tongue in cheek lyrics and a tremendous display of energy. A very professional band with the mindset of always wanting to put on a memorable performance…” Amen…      grunge and punk with melodic qualities agogo. As they say, they ain’t yo mama’s rock band!  Do Bogard that joint dude. Cutting Corners – La Nouvelle vague du vieux grunge, from France. Punky thrash with a Kurt Cobain approach, this is Funtime punk rock played by longhairs. Just as we like it. Razor Fly – original hard rock and grunge full of melodic intent and kick ass moves.

Source: Dublin Castle website

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