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The Prods + Das Kapitans + Mices + Coup De Tete + (Socks On Records Nite)


Dublin Castle

94 Parkway NW1 7AN London

Gig Description

 Socks On Records  Nite! with… The Prods – High octane punk rock and roll with massive chords and massive attitude of a Godfathers, Pistols, Heartbreakers kind- yes,  a massive guitar sound, plus great playing all round,  and great harmonies..but also a beautifully balanced modicum of wry, rapscallion humour.   A fine array of Satirical punk pop gems pricking all sorts of twattery, from catalogue models to darts to crap tech to the Great British seaside…superb. Das Kapitans – From the darkest depths of Norfolk and Cambridgeshire, England. Das Kapitans are a combination of influences including Fugazi, The Spits, The Melvins, Sonic Youth, Blur and Joy Division creating a DIY punk, post punk, lo-fi, garage punk, alternative feast. Formed at the back end of 2020 Das Kapitans set themselves the challenge of writing, recording and releasing 12 albums through 2021…..a challenge that they smashed out the park! 2022 and 2023 have seen the release of the album number 13, ‘Debut’ and a number of EPs and standalone singles.As well as the music the band has set up a YouTube channel and Podcast for their Das Kapichat series – talking to people from across the country about the DIY music scene. YouTube its also home to a growing collection of videos for their tracks, again all DIY and ‘homemade’. Not content with getting their own music out there Das Kapitans have set up a small Bandcamp only record label, Socks On Records, to work with and promote other artists across the platform. Building a community of like minded artists has been key to the success since the band formed which has led to international radio plays, podcasts, blogs, vlogs and being featured on the local BBC Introducing Show a number of times. Mices –  “Mices are a 3 piece post punk/ indie band for fans of Dinosaur JR, Burning Airlines and other fun 90s bands”. Coup de Tete –  “Loud, in your face, fuzzy ukulele… because why not? Indie Punk band based in Peterborough…

Source: Dublin Castle website

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