Pay on the door for a massive Sunday night of top class live bands
Steve MacDream Colours musical experience mixes the essential spirit of rock with elements of blues, folk and funk, all melted together in a fascinating and passionate indi blend following traces laid down since the late ‘60s until today. "I love their music, is so original and unlike everything else happening right now." "Steve produces great songs and melodies, and has a unique voice.” "Listening to their first album I got some very nice old school vibes, the way the band captures well the style and sentimentality of the period.” "We hear a huge barrage of influences coming through their music.” “Lean into their recordings, and find yourself at a crossroad of something unexpected. They sound great.” We feel very lucky to be able to create what we believe are distinctive pieces of music, in a way that overall represent the complexity of who we are as individuals. Our desire is to convey feelings that are personal, with tracks that are worth sharing in a very direct and raw manner. There is awareness in our music being true to ourselves, in a humble effort to overcome our human limitations and give birth to something new, organic and original. Hope you like the songs and enjoy the long ride with us!
Josh Dennett is an independent instrumental artist based within Widnes and London, UK. Inspired by everything from Green Day to Polyphia, Josh hopes to define an instrumental sound for his hometown, but also make instrumental music more accessible to the masses.
Source: The Fiddler's Elbow website