
Pindrop: Flytrap, Hot Face, Rampressure, Bug


Windmill Brixton

22 Blenheim Gardens SW2 5BZ London

Gig Description

Pindrop: Flytrap, Hot Face, Rampressure, Bug  at Windmill Brixton promotional image

Hurray! It's the launch party for Pindrop's third ever zine and after much deliberation, we’ve decided to announce our lineup (just for you) and are here to present: a night of garage and psych.

FLYTRAP - 5 Piece Post-Psych Rock from Penge

HOT FACE - London Garage/Psych Trio

RAMPRESSURE Family run Noise/Garage Rockers

BUG Brighton Punk/Garage rock

Source: Windmill Brixton website