
Sorry, You are too late. This gig happened a month ago


The Rheumatics + Reek + NOTV + DJ


Dublin Castle

94 Parkway NW1 7AN London

Gig Description

The Rheumatics – ‘Rock Against Rheumatism’ is their cause celebre, can’t argue with that…old enough to know no better whatsoever bunch of chaps covering 1970s Punk Rock classics and also some of the cool music that paved the way for Punk. With support from Reek -4 young lads who do covers of bands like Shame, The Idols and newish Aussie punk stuff like Stiff Richards,  Mini Skirt,  Pissed Idiots etc. So old punk, new punk, all punk covered. A fabulously entertaining way to spend a midsummer Sunday afternoon then! Yes, this is a matinee show, get yourselves along around 2pm so you can catch an additional support slots from NOTV, just parachuted in for extra pleasure…

Source: Dublin Castle website

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